2025 is here! I read a post by Radhika Gupta on LinkedIn last year where she said that she makes a gratitude list at the end of every year. I was truly inspired by that thought. What a wonderful way to bid goodbye to the past year and welcome the new one!
Every passing year gives us innumerable experiences, some delightful and some unpleasant. But its all an experience. Something to enjoy, something to learn from and something to just feel. In our pursuit for success and eventually happiness, we tend to ignore the journey. In my head, this end of the year gratitude list is like a beautiful pause to enjoy the moment and acknowledge the goodness in life. Because there is goodness in everything. A joyful event fills our heart with warmth and love and helps us build memories to cherish. Memories that make one teary eyed and be thankful & appreciate them. An unpleasant experience teaches us a lot, makes us who we are, strengthens us and builds our core. Maybe pushes us to learn and develop a new skill or be more cautious or appreciate what we have. I believe, adversity is a catalyst for resilience and grit, the main ingredients for success and growth.
Whether pleasant or unpleasant, what’s common in both these outcomes?
Thankfulness. Gratitude.

Let’s reflect on our past year and find the goodness in everything. It has helped me for sure. I invite everyone reading this post to do the same.
Gratitude – the world’s most powerful drug. Appreciate everything, even the ordinary; especially the ordinary. The more one practices the art of thankfulness, the more they have to be thankful for. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. While eating a fruit, think and thank the one who planted the tree.
Just thought of sharing this text from Jay Shetty’s Think like a monk before concluding and heading off to make my gratitude list for 2024.
Wishing you all a Happy 2025!